Welcome to Abundant Life Missions Foundation
Decent homes for widows and orphans will give dignity and improve quality of life
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Building schools and churches
Since 2018, ALM Foundation exists to share abundant life with those less fortunate than we are.
Millions of people including children in developing countries are without homes, food, clean water, limited access to education that would secure a better future. Abundant life was started to help empower these poor and needy children to access basic needs to ensure their spiritual future in Christ, the ultimate source of abundance.
Our Organization
Mission is to empower the less fortunate to live and experience abundant life as promised in John 10:10
Vision to give hope in every way possible and improve lives through giving.
Methods: building schools and churches, constructing wells, feeding orphans and widows, paying tuition to secure an education, health and lifestyle education
Take Action
Ready to take the next step? You can become a contributor to our cause, or participate yourself.